Frequently Asked Questions
What is up with the Pub's landline phone? Can I call you?
Unfortunately there is only one working phone jack in the entire Pub, and it's in the very corner of the office tucked away in the very corner of the Pub. No one can hear it scream. Please email us at HowardtheGhost@thecollegeinnpub.com
Are children allowed in the Pub?
You must be 21 years of age or older to enter the College Inn Pub per our liquor permit. No one under 21 can be on premise, including babies.
Will you accept a picture or photocopy of my passport and/or license as proof of age?
WA State requires each patron have the original physical copy of their identification to enter. You can find the complete list of acceptable forms of ID here.
Is the Pub accessible? Where is your elevator?
Fortunately, the Pub is safe from developers because the building is on the National Historic Register. Unfortunately, this means it has been grandfathered in and does not have an elevator. We are in the basement and there are 21 steps from the street. The emergency exit is also a staircase.
We want fries. Why are there no fries on your menu?
Again, fortunately, the Pub is safe from developers because the building is on the National Historic Register. Unfortunately, that means our broom closet-sized kitchen is not equipped with proper ventilation for a deep fryer. We do amazing things with what we have, though: infamous nachos, hot grinders, house-made chili, etc.
Can I bring my dog/cat/snake/gerbil/pot-bellied pig?
Per the King County Health Department and the building rules, only trained service animals may enter the Pub. "Emotional support animals" are not considered trained service animals per WA State law.
I want to reserve the Snug Room. How do I go about doing this?
Reserving the Snug Room is free. You can either use the contact form on this page or email Dan. Your reservation is not final until we confirm your date and time is available and reserved for you. Please honor your reservation, and let us know right away if you need to cancel.
I am with a brewery or distillery. May I bring you samples?
Come talk to Emmet on Wednesdays or Dan on Thursdays, 2-4 pm.
I want to work at the Pub. Who do I contact?
Please email Dan.
I am looking for donations for my organization. Who do I contact?
Please email Jen.
I am selling ad space in my publication. Who do I contact?
Please email Jen.
I am with the press and am working on a story. Who do I contact?
Please email Jen.
I didn't go to school at the UW. Will I be welcome?
Of course! The Pub is an open, inclusive, and welcoming space for EVERYONE, even Cougars and Ducks. Just be nice.